What does Assisted Living and Alzheimer's Care Cost in Katy Texas?

Generally speaking, Assisted Living Communities provide their residents assistance with activities of daily living, otherwise known as ADL’s - Bathing, Grooming, Dressing, Eating, Medication reminders, toileting and other necessary assistance.The cost of room and board along with this somewhat limited yet necessary assistance will have a cost associated with it, we'll discuss these a little later.

Your loved one may require additional assistance with activities of daily living, such as transferring from bed to a chair or a two person assist or even management and administration of medications which is different from simply reminding them to take their medicines.Most Assisted living homes will charge extra for these services, often running into several hundreds of dollars per additional service required. Often a senior resident needing additional assistance with daily living needs and memory care needs will put a strain on an Assisted Living homes staffing costs and as the care needs get more acute, the monthly levels of care costs would also go up and a family would start to look at other options such as a Memory Care Community specializing in Dementia and other related care.

The average cost for Assisted Living in Texas during 2019 ranges between $3700 for a shared room to $5500 monthly for a private room and depending on the room type. Levels of care could add up to $2000 per month depending on the care needed.

A Memory care community would likewise admit a resident into their facility at a cost in Texas ranging from an average of $5,000 per month for a shared room to $6500 for a Private room.Again, levels of care charges would be added on for Incontinence care, medication management and the final monthly bill at most Dementia care communities could end up costing several thousand dollars.

Evergreen Cottages is an Assisted Living community in Katy Texas, specializing in the care of residents with Alzheimer’s and other dementias. Cost of Care is All Inclusive for the high level of services offered and there are no additional charges for Levels of Care.

Our private rooms with Private showers and toilets are fairly priced with no hidden fees or add-on charges. Our communities are purpose built and designed to enhance the wellbeing of our residents using furnishing, lighting and color schemes that enhance the lives of persons with dementia. To learn more about prices and services, please schedule a visit and we will be glad to discuss your loved ones needs.

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